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Not the death penalty "firewall" of grave robbers also Pasha
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To firmly curb the theft of excavation of ancient sites, ancient tombs and cave temples, stone carvings, the momentum of high incidence of cases to ensure that the field safety of cultural relics, December 1, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage issued a "cultural safety work on strengthening the field of emergency notification." "Notice" that this year, Zhao Wangling Handan, Hebei, Guangxi Guilin Jing Jiang Wangling, Shanxi Quwo Tianma song village sites, Han Xian County of Hebei Cangzhou group, hot tombs in Dulan in Qinghai, Shaanxi Xianyang Tangjian Ling, Yushu of Qinghai Province That Temple, Shaanxi West An Minghui King, Suizhou drum pier tombs, Jiangsu Chu Tombs of Han Dynasty, Hubei Zhijiang Castle Tombs, Xian Qin Dongling and other national cultural heritage has occurred excavation of ancient tombs, stone theft Heritage, the criminal elements in the strike-hard situation, the flagrant violation of imperial tombs, important sites and graves, grave security situation in the field heritage. Heritage excavation so rampant, and even repeated occurrence of violent crime, making people's attention once again focused on the August 23 th National People's Congress held its sixteenth meeting, the first deliberation of the "Criminal Law Amendment (h) "(draft), intended to abolish the crime of smuggling artifacts, theft of ancient cultural sites, ancient tombs crime, excavation of ancient human fossils of ancient vertebrate fossils and other crimes involving the death penalty for charges of heritage. This news came out, attracted wide attention. People will ask: conservation in the domestic situation is still grim circumstances, the abolition of the death penalty criminal offense cultural appropriateness of the timing? This is the sword without the death penalty a deterrent of crime relics will be more reckless? Status Cultural crime "fever" reclaim Driven by huge profits, our country's heritage worsening security situation, theft, excavation, reselling, crime is rampant smuggling of cultural relics, especially the number of violent crimes rise, not only pose a threat to the lives of conservation staff, and disrupted the cultural relics management order, endanger the national cultural security. "Heritage of crime is at a new round of high incidence." Shan State Bureau of Cultural Relics, said Xiang, December 2009-June 2010, Ministry of Public Security, the State Cultural Relics Bureau in Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Anhui, Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai provinces and 9 carry out the deployment of the "cultural crime against the country in key areas of special action." During the 7 months of the campaign, closely cooperate with public security and cultural departments, to tackle tough to Thunder potential, bright sword cut the snake made brilliant victories, a total of 541 cases detected since heritage, smashed 71 criminal gangs, arrested 787 suspects, recovered artifacts 2366 (sets), including 14 national-level cultural relics, artifacts 156 secondary and tertiary artifacts 376. "At present, cross-regional cultural crime, cross-border, professional syndicates and other features and have clear criminal means intelligent, violent, destructive strength. Unscrupulous criminals, rampant excess, or even open robbery, violent resistance to law, openly assaulting a police officer . "According to the Deputy Secretary for National Heritage was introduced Gu Yu, a number of theft, excavation cultural groups evolved into conglomerate, in theft, use of many of the process of excavation artifacts of modern equipment and means of transport, a senior automotive, communication with the modern equipment, etc. . Some groups have achieved stolen relics excavation, transportation, sale and smuggling of cultural relics leave the country, the Pirates - Games - Marketing - Outbound train, linked together, done quickly. To achieve this they are often acts of violence, and some groups with a variety of cold steel, and some groups have a home-made guns and ammunition and so on. Criminal process in heritage, conservation officers or policemen wounded repeatedly occurred in the case, if the gang in the theft of temple statues and other artifacts in the conservation officers wounded, tied up, cut the telephone lines, the implementation of theft; some Conservation officers wounded or maimed; some grave robbers armed with conservation groups and public security officers who confront, stand-excavation, and so on. In some areas, with violent crime on the rise heritage. Recent cases such as the early morning of September 15 this year, Hubei Suizhou artifacts occur when law enforcement officers in patrol violent attacks by criminals, causing car crash injuries. September 22 night, thieves in the excavation of ancient tombs in Shaanxi Chengcheng Shanhua Township, when the patrol was captured, but when the suspect was brought back after the patrol team, actually occurred more than 20 armed suspects robbed a vicious case. Analysis Taste of the "collection hot" as incentives for heritage Crime In recent decades, some people get rich first hands of a large number of idle funds in the garlic, green beans, walnuts, etc. can be converted into investment channels today, has a valuable and easy to store the natural heritage can not be spared. In some "collectors" in the eyes, first and foremost a cultural investment goods, it is important in its appreciation of space, as the number of its inherent culture, art, historical value, not its area of concern. "Taste of the 'collection of hot' for the excavation in the smuggling of cultural relics, intentionally or unintentionally 'fuel', has become a cultural crime is a big incentive." Senior long been engaged in conservation advocacy in the media who Pombo when interviewed that in recent years, a number of TV and print media to open a lot of Kam Po section. It should be said, these programs enriching the cultural life of the people, an increase of traditional cultural knowledge played a positive role. But the programs were common in the running are two problems: First, a lot of appreciation class program itself is positioned as a wealth management program, the value of heritage and background knowledge dissemination itself less room for the appreciation of its market price and confused by many; the second is Some relics were openly as a private collection to get on the table introduction. China handed down mostly the Ming and Qing furniture, calligraphy, porcelain, jade and so on, before the Song Dynasty figurines class, ritual, seals, bronze and so are unlikely to be as handed down to stay. However, programs in various collections, these objects are common. For example, a TV show theme most recent collection of classes is the Tang Dynasty. In fact, as the Tang Dynasty burial tombs in high places with the three-color device is most unlikely to be handed down, its source can only be or fake or unearthed. But these things have repeatedly appeared on television, will give the public to leave the impression that these things are not only the appreciation of space and can be bought and sold. In addition, the cultural market regulation and loopholes in supervision and management still failed to resolutely ban illegal relics, and lead to artifacts or antiques flea market black market in nourishing cultural hotbed of crime. Dispute Should the death penalty abolition of crime relics August 23 at the sixteenth session of the Eleventh National People's Congress, the first deliberation of the "Criminal Law Amendment (h)" (draft) why the death penalty for the cancellation charges of criminal relics it? Liu Shi-known expert in criminal law center that provides the death penalty for crimes of smuggling cultural changes and changes in the overall use of the death penalty background. As China's social and economic development, in the context of building a harmonious society, China began to adopt a "combining punishment with leniency" of the criminal policy. At this time, the death penalty should return to "kill fewer, kill carefully," the track. "Criminal Law Amendment (h)" (draft) to cancel the crime, including smuggling of cultural relics, including part of the crime, the death penalty, is to meet this requirement. However, scholars who are also many different views. Recently, the Archaeological Society of China organized by the "2010 Great protection of archaeological sites with the largest Symposium" on more than 30 from the National Institute of Archaeology, University and other units of the nearly 50 representatives jointly issued the "on deferring the removal of excavation Sites of ancient culture, ancient tombs and other charges the three death penalty appeals. " Experts and scholars attending the meeting said, in "Criminal Law Amendment (h)" (Draft) released less than a month's time, similar cases around the country showed a rising trend in general, have taken place in Suizhou Tomb Relics molecular openly frenzied attack protection of staff, the impact of the police station in Shanxi Chengcheng Tomb of molecular events of serious criminal offenses. This is the "Criminal Law Amendment (h)" (draft) the information released by a certain cause and effect relationship. Once the abolition of the death penalty for this count of three, will undoubtedly contribute to the arrogance of criminals, and the results will lead to increase of such criminal activities, cultural heritage protection work is facing extinction. This has five years of civilization, China will be a huge disaster, the Chinese culture will also be an unprecedented calamity. Chinese director Zhang Zhongpei Archaeological Society believes that the abolition of the death penalty must take into account the current situation, although in the long run, reduce or even abolish the death penalty on charges of the development direction of Chinese criminal law, but also the inevitable development of human civilization, but this should be a long-term process, not overnight. At this stage, the rampant smuggling of cultural relics, excavation sites of ancient culture, ancient tombs situation straight up criminal activity, the state must maintain sufficient legal deterrent to criminals has been appalled to. We believe that the current crime, not only can not cancel the death penalty for offenses involving cultural relics, on the contrary, should also strengthen penalties for crimes of heritage, the only way to ensure that the cultural heritage in the current critical situation can be effectively protected. Moves Construction of long-term mechanism safety of cultural relics In order to effectively combat crime heritage, heritage conservation security, recently, the Ministry of Culture, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Public Security, State Administration for Religious Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Land Resources, Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, General Administration of Customs, State Administration for Industry Total Bureau, the National Tourism Administration and other artifacts Ministerial Joint security unit responsible member of the National Heritage attended a ministerial security meeting of the joint meeting for the first time. The Meeting recommended Duocuobingju established decision-making on major issues safety of cultural relics, artifacts safety information sharing mechanism, joint law enforcement inspectors safety supervision mechanism and long-term mechanism heritage. Regular and irregular communication to cultural information and statistical data security-related information in a timely manner to understand and grasp the cultural security of information, research response measures; carry out special enforcement inspectors, involving multi-sector, multi-sectoral or cross-regional vandalism offenses, cultural sector by a single law enforcement forces can not effectively investigated by the Joint Lead department inspectors; play the functional role of various departments and concentrate on the joint disposal of cultural relics emergency security and administrative law. In addition, continue to promote international, regional coordination of law enforcement, to discuss with relevant countries and regions, signed on the prevention of theft, illegal entry and exit of cultural relics excavation and bilateral agreements between the government and do all the work to implement these agreements; establish and improve the international organizations mechanisms involved in cultural information communication mechanisms for international cooperation, cultural relics lost overseas recourse orderly conduct of the work of safeguarding national interests. Press Testimonials To punish evil and a sword of Damocles Crime has become a high-class cultural relics profits of crime, smuggling of artifacts, excavation sites of ancient culture, ancient tombs and ancient human fossils of ancient vertebrate fossils and other illegal and criminal activities are rampant in recent years, much worse. Just think, if there is no dignity of the law and justice against powerful done, there will be many sites of ancient culture, ancient tombs suffered excavation, looting? And how many precious relics theft, smuggling and sabotage? Let us hear again from the "2010 Great protection of archaeological sites with a large symposium," many experts and scholars speak out on it! Bu Zhiyu precious cultural heritage to the complete destruction of the devastating; to let us have a fear of Zu Xianhuai heart, so that cultural heritage has its proper dignity; for the country's treasures no longer lost, no longer full of cultural relics in China in domestic and international private collectors and antique dealers warehouse and basement; order to make our future generations can also be collected from the archaeological excavations to complete historical information, and based on this information for research and promote the traditional culture to contribute to the motherland; to make Our children continue to live in the archaeological museum to see artifacts excavated science, to know the true objective of the past; order to rally national sentiment, concentrated essence of history, linking the cultural heritage of their ancestors can be blood heritage and development, excellent traditional culture to the motherland in the new era to better serve the socialist construction; for China to have a sustainable and scientific development of a bright future ... ... Please cancel the suspension of the crime of smuggling artifacts, excavation sites of ancient culture, ancient tombs crime, excavation of ancient human fossils of ancient vertebrate fossils death penalty, for the three counts.
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