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The local area network forges source address DDoS to atttack a means of settleme
From;    Author:Stand originally
[breakdown phenomenon] in forging source address to atttack, hacker machine sends the TCP SYN message that forges source address in great quantities to fall victim lead plane, the NAT conversation resource that takes up safety net closes, the watch holds the NAT conversation of final will safe gateway full, bring about the everybody inside the local area network to cannot get online.
[search quickly] in condition of àNAT of statistic of àNAT of WebUIà system condition, can see “IP address ” has a lot of not to attribute net of IP of the net inside this inside column paragraph user:
In information of statistic of user of à of statistic of user of à of WebUIà system condition, can see safe gateway receives some user ( sent huge data package, but the data parcel of safe gateway hair to this user is very small, according to this judgement this user may be in do fabricate source address charge.
[settle way]
1, will medium the lead plane of virus from inside the net disconnects, reduce toxin.
2, allow only in strategy of safe gateway configuration inside the net of the net paragraph join safety net closes, make safe gateway active reject the TCP that forged source address gives out to join:
1) management of group of à of WebUIà advanced configuration, build “all” of a working group (can define a name oneself) , include whole network paragraph all IP address ( - .
Attention: Here user local area network paragraph for, the user should go according to the IP address Duan Jin that uses actually group IP address paragraph appoint.
2) strategy of business of à of government of business of à of WebUIà advanced configuration is configured, build politic “pemit” (can define a name oneself) , allow ” of “all working group to arrive all target address ( visit, undertake configuration according to next graphs, save.

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