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WindowsXP registers watch function to optimize
From;    Author:Stand originally

WindowsXP registers watch function to optimize.

1, accelerate switch on the mobile phone reach involve machine rate

In [begin]- - > [move]- - > key in [Regedit]- - > [HKEY_CURRENT_USER]- - > [Control Panel]- - > [Desktop] , be worth string [the numeric data of HungAppTimeout] is changed for [200] , be worth string [the numeric data of WaitToKillAppTimeout] is changed for 1000. Be in additionally [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]- - > [System]- - > [CurrentControlSet]- - > [Control] , be worth string [the numeric data of HungAppTimeout] is changed for [200] , be worth string [the numeric data of WaitToKillServiceTimeout] is changed 1000.

2, shut automatically stop to answer a program

In [begin]- - > [move]- - > key in [Regedit]- - > [HKEY_CURRENT_USER]- - > [Control Panel]- - > [Desktop] , be worth string [the numeric data of AutoEndTasks] is changed for 1, start afresh can.

3, inside cleared memory by unused DLL file

In [begin]- - > [move]- - > key in [Regedit]- - > [HKKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]- - > [SOFTWARE]- - > [Microsoft]- - > [Windows]- - > [CurrentVersion] , in [Explorer] is added right AlwaysUnloadDLL] of post You 頪, acquiescent value is set for 1. Note: If by acquiescent value set is [0] represents out of service this function.

4, accelerate a broadband to receive rate

(Version of 1) family expenses: In [begin]- - > [move]- - > key in [Regedit]- - > be in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]- - > [SOFTWARE]- - > [Policies]- - > [Microsoft]- - > [Windows] , increase the name is [of Psched] , in [window of Psched] the right side increases a Dword to be worth [NonBestEffortLimit] numeric data is 0.

(2) commerce version: In [begin]- - > [move]- - > key in [Gpedit.msc] , open strategy of this locality computer, choose in the window to the left [computer configuration]- - > [manage pattern plate]- - > [network]- - > [QoS data bag attempers program] , " is doubleclicked to restrict the bandwidth " that can withhold in the window of right, choice " already enabled " and restrict " bandwidth (%)" is set for 0 application- - > affirmatory, start again can.

5, accelerate menu to show rate

In [begin]- - > [move]- - > key in [Regedit]- - > [HKEY_CURRENT_USER]- - > [Control Panel]- - > [Desktop] , be worth string [the numeric data of MenuShowDelay] is changed for [0] , the person that feel menu shows too fast and speed is incommensurate is like after adjusting but will [the numeric data of MenuShowDelay] is changed for [200] , start afresh can.

6, accelerate automatic refresh rate

In [begin]- - > [move]- - > key in [Regedit]- - > [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]- - > [System]- - > [CurrentControlSet]- - > [Control]- - > [Update] , alter the numeric data of Dword[UpdateMode] for [0] , start afresh can.
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